Wander News

Wander was born on 1 July 2004.

His birth weight was 3,700 grams.

He has a lip-, jaw- and palate schisis (i.e. a cleft upper lip, a cleft palate and a cleft upper jaw).

Although a schisis is inconvenient, it does not hurt.

For the rest Wander is a normal, healthy baby.

Wander is fed with a 'Haberman feeder'. That is a special kind of feeder with a teat that goes deeper into his mouth to provide a better grip. Furthermore the teat has a part in which the one who feeds can squeeze to help Wander drink.

Wander had lip surgery on  23 September 2004 in the Amsterdam Medical Centre. Only after a year we can tell if surgery was a success, because then the scar tissue has got its definite form. In any case, right after the surgery the lip looked beautiful. The result can be admired on the site: In the slide-show 'Wander In Private' pictures of Wander after the surgery have been added. Also, movies of Wander after the surgery have been put on the site.

At the time of the surgery Wander's weight  was 5,440 grams, and he was 62 centimeters tall.

Surgery on his jaw and palate will follow: His palate will be repaired when Wander has reached the age of nine months, his jaw will be fixed at the age of eight years.